I am a Software Engineer and Developer from Hong Kong who loves to learn and explore the whole spectrum of web technology from Frontend to Backend, and then to DevOps, even to Game Development.

Skills click / tap on the tags to see more info

Frontend / Mobile
React.js React Native Flutter HTML / JS / CSS
Backend / Database
Golang Node.js PHP Python C / C++ Java MySQL PostgreSQL Redis RabbitMQ
Docker GitLab CI / CD Kubernetes
Linux gRPC / Protocol Buffers Godot Engine
Work Experience
Highlighted Personal Projects
BeaconApp public
  • A mobile chat app to connect people in the same room, as both a course project and a (failed) fund applying project.
  • The backend is written in a highly scalable and modular cloud-native micro-service architecture in three components for different parts of the system.
    Golang, gRPC, Redis, RabbitMQ
  • The frontend mobile app uses Bluetooth Beacon technology to detect which room is the user currently in.
  • Currently deployed with Docker Compose with Kubernetes config being developed.
    Docker, Kubernetes
Telegram Bot for Moodle Quiz Monitoring public
  • A Telegram bot being developed to detect scored online pop quizzes to avoid (boring, uninformative and hated) lectures. Effectively saved me a few hours per week.
  • The scanner part is built with Puppeteer public which scans the course page frequently and ping the bot when pop quizzes is detected.
    Node.js, gRPC, SSDB (Redis-like on-disk key-value store)
  • The Telegram bot reposnds to status queries and alert subscribers when a Moodle quiz comes.
    Golang, gRPC
  • Deployed with Docker Compose which allow the scanner service to wake up only on a cron job, saving bandwidth and avoid detection.
    Docker, cron
FlutterBlue Beacon public
  • A Flutter library created for working with Bluetooth Beacons. Initially built for BeaconApp and later open-sourced.
This resume public
  • Yes, I am serious. This resume is my challenge to build a responsive and interactive resume using raw HTML / CSS. This resume uses no libraries except Material Icons, Ubuntu font and Normalize. Yet it works progressively on desktop, mobile phones, and printers ( tested on Chrome in A4 portrait, no margin public ) without a single piece of JavaScript.
    HTML / CSS
  • Please feel free to find an online version of this resume from michaellee8.github.io, as well as look at my other projects on my GitHub public and GitLab public profile , or by clicking or tapping on the tags above .